Thursday, 26 September 2019

Chronic Diseases Prevention - A Glance

An Ounce of Prevention is Better than Pounds of Cure - Here are some of the important key facts to keep us away from the Chronic Diseases.

1. Physical Activity : Be active and keep going
2. Healthy Eating : Our health depends on what we are eating
3.Live Smoke Free
4.Limit your Alcohol Intake
5.Manage Your Stress : Relax
6.Get Screened for Cancer and Other Diseases
7.Get a Good Night Sleep

Being aware of the chronic diseases help us to be away from it.If you wish to join with us to share your knowledge on chronic diseases join with us in our annual meeting ( 4th International Conference on Chronic Diseases, Paris, France, February 17-18, 2020 ).

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Combating Chronic Diseases: Technology and Innovation

According to recent statistics revealed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) dementia including Alzheimer’s diseases is the leading cause of death in most of the countries.

What may be the cause for rising Chronic Conditions?

  1.         Mass Urbanization
  2.         Easily available convenient food
  3.          Raise in sedentary work patterns

Digital Technologies and Chronic Diseases

Sooner in the upcoming days with the recent advancement in the fields of digital technologies, they will play an important role in preventing degenerative brain diseases such as dementia.

Tolerating the pain in chronic diseases is the most important fact when we deal with the area of chronic diseases management. In the next few years, the area of localized pain relief will be taken to the next level.

If you are interested in presenting anything new related to chronic diseases join with us, Website

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Anemia and Chronic Diseases : The mystery Behind Chronic Diseases

Anemia of chronic diseases usually occurs as the part of chronic inflammatory disorder, most often chronic infection, autoimmune diseases, kidney diseases, or cancer.

Treatment to these types of anemia due to chronic conditions may include recombinant erythropoietin (EPO) and iron supplements.

These types of anemia are usually mild and in most of the cases transfusions are usually not required.
The list of chronic diseases that may cause anemia includes cancer, HIV/AIDS, Rhematoid arthritis, kidney diseases, crohn’s diseases, and other inflammatory disorders.

The important fact to be realized in this cases includes there is no specific treatment for this type of conditions doctors mainly focus on the treatment of underlying diseases.

If you are here right now it is the time for you to visit our official website : CLICK HERE

Friday, 6 September 2019

Chronic Diseases: Storm Ahead

Experts often intimate about the upcoming chronic diseases storm in the next 20 years particularly due to the alarming increase in the rates of diabetes and chronic diseases. Due to the rapid raise in the prevalence of chronic diseases chronic care needs are growing and conquering considerable demand on the health systems.

So, with the intention to discuss every nook and corner of the chronic diseases area we are organizing Chronic Diseases 2020 at Paris, France during February 17-18, 2020.

If you are interested to join with us or present your research papers mail us at

If you are here right now it is the time for you to visit our official website : CLICK HERE

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome   (CFS) is a chronic disease and the individual shows extreme tiredness pain and sleep disorders that persist ...